Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shout Out: Andre Harden - Into the Wild

Our friend Andre's review of Sean Penn's Into the Wild is notable for being the first review I've read of it that doesn't degrade into either hero worship or insulting contempt for Chris McCandless. Andre's review brings something better into the mix: compassion for a misguided young man whose ideological missteps led to his death, sick and alone in the wilderness. As usual, when Andre reviews a film I'm already interested in seeing, he makes me want to watch it even more. As someone who's made a career out of studying and writing screenplays, Andre's film and book reviews are always astute and never fail to bring up interesting points. All this good reading, and all this history with my husband's family, and I've never even met the man - huzzah for the sweet, sweet interweb.

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