Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Axe Cop!

I have so many new things to write about! Tin Man. The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans. The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. The A-Team. Changes: A Dresden Files Novel. Red Dead Redemption. The Good Guys. Wilbur!

Lucky for you, I don't feel like writing about any of them write now. But if you are prone to ignoring everything I say, and think I'm just a big stupid droning prat, I beg you to set aside your instincts just this once and follow the link to Axe Cop.

As Mr. Monk would say, you'll thank me later.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Further Signs Of The Media Apocalypse

So our current Telus free preview is Teletoon Retro, and I am just tickled pink to be spending a Saturday morning the way I used to spend Saturday mornings: ejoying The Raccoons, Inspector Gadget, The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show, Fraggle Rock (not technically a cartoon, but whatever, it's on), and happy to finally have the chance to watch Batman: The Animated Series.

This isn't to suggest that every cartoon made back in the day was animated gold. My friends and I can happily cringe while remembering such un-illustrious fare as James Bond, Jr. and Stunt Dawgs. Earlier this morning was a double-header of Thundercats, followed by G.I. Joe. And "new" doesn't generically equal "bad" - there have been a couple of stand-out weekend cartoons this decade, mostly Skunk Fu! and The Penguins of Madagascar.

The disturbing thing is, I've seen so many absolute crap new Saturday morning cartoons in the past five or six years that it came to pass that as I was sitting here, sipping coffee and watching Snakeyes and Shipwreck inflitrate a subway train full of Cobra soldiers, the thought running through my head was, man. They don't make cartoons like they used to.

That's right. I found myself wishing that current Saturday morning cartoons could be as good as G.I. Joe.

Let the Media Apocalypse commence!