Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"____________? I've heard of you! I thought you were DEAD!" Part 1 in a series.

I don't watch The Hour on purpose, but Corey will often sneak a peak to see who the guest is - they tend to be almost bizarre in their diversity. So, hence, at supper tonight:

Corey: Guess who was on The Hour last night!

Me: Who?

Corey: Farley Mowat!

Me: He's still alive???

Indeed, Canada's most legendary ex-pat Scot, he who kept owls, fought in WWII, and wrote one of the books that most terrified me as a child*, is not only still alive, and allegedly looking ever more like St. Nick, but writing one last book. And still wearing that tam. So. Sometimes, it's nice to be wrong.

*Lost in the Barrens

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