Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tiny Movies, Everywhere!

In our overworked society, pressed for time and courted from all angles, one can still enjoy a good movie. One can even enjoy it in 30 seconds. Re-enacted by bunnies.

No, really. Trust me on this one. This site's been around for awhile, and the newer re-enactments aren't that hot, but check out their Alien, Jaws, The Shining, Rocky, Jurassic Park, and Star Wars, for a briefly good time.

And, for the movies you don't even have 30 seconds for - because they really, really (probably) suck, Moviepooper has a decently comprehensive library that I peruse every few weeks.

I've frequented these sites for a couple of years, and now you can frequent them too. Enjoy!

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