Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Quickest Way to an Artist's Heart is Through Her Eyes

I've spent several kilobytes singing the praises of the collection and administration of the Edmonton Public Library. One thing it doesn't have, though, is that look or feel that says "you are in a library." Edmonton as a whole is not an architechturally or aesthetically pleasing city, and the EPL is no exception. Even their larger branches are dull, cramped, all function and no form, and with no understood or enforced noise-related rules, it's just not an inviting place to read, ponder, linger, or stimulate ones intellect and/or imagination.

Now, here's a link to make me heartsick. Anna, this one's for you.

(Oblivion afficionados who have completed the Thieve's Guild quest "The Ultimate Heist" may find that the U.S. Library of Congress looks very familiar...)


nspeacock said...

Through languid summer's spell,
I find myself to be
Lost deep within the book,
if not the library.

elly said...

Nicely done, sir.