Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ka-Pow! Enter the Chris!

My respect for famed interviewer/pundit Larry King is about as strong as my respect for anyone who favours willfull ignorance for the sake of sensationalism - in other words, I can't stand the guy. While trolling the U.S. election coverage on, I came across a transcript of his recent interview with the most astute racial commentator of our time, Chris Rock. And I laughed, and I laughed, and I laughed.

KING: You must be ... proud that at this stage in our history a black man is running for president on a major ticket.

ROCK: Um, you know what? I'm proud Barack Obama's running for president. You know? If it was Flavor Flav, would I be proud? No. I don't support Barack Obama because he's black.


(Though if you just had to go google Flavor Flav, I guess this isn't really funny at all.)

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