Friday, September 19, 2008

C'est lui! Dans la nuit! Docteur.......Qui?



Who, you ask, is back?
Well, if you spoke french, and/or have ever seen Bill Bailey's Belgian jazz sketch, you'd know just who I'm talking about.

For the rest of you - particularly, you boring folks who did not in fact immediately search "Bill Bailey Dr. Who" on YouTube and enjoy the show - I speak of the one, the only, DOCTOR WHO.

Yes, friends, CBC is now airing series 4, and, more importantly, mister David "Best Doctor Ever" Tennant is back in his tennis shoes fighting despair, saving lives, and breaking hearts as much with his grief and messianic overtones as with his utterly irresistible charm and humour and mildly roguish good looks. I've never seen someone so fiercely love their role. Seriously, even people old enough to remember the Doctors before the formerly incomparable Tom Baker - and I remember Tom Baker, a.k.a. the one with the red scarf - say that he's the best in the show's 30 or so year run. Series 3 should have been more than enough to erase any doubt of that - remember the episode with the pocket watch? You know what I'm talking about. You're nodding your head. You're so very excited that he's back.

Here in Alberta, Dr. Who is airing Friday nights at 9. May you all be so fortunate! So don't call between 9 and 10 Alberta time, because I won't pick up, and I'll be miffed at you for talking on the answering machine and making it so that I can't hear the Doctor.

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