Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ahoy, Cap'n! Shameless Plug Off The Port Bow!

But it's not for me! It's for my friend, a first-class horticulturist, ferret owner, knitter, and dyer, who has been selling her yarn privately and through local yarn shops and now has her very own online shop through up and running:

Dandelion Knits

I've used her Merino Superwash and Blue Faced Leicester sock yarns, and she custom-dyed some worsted weight yarn for me to make a stunning felted tote, and it's all gorgeous, comfortable, pleasant-to-knit stuff, and the worsted makes gorgeous smooth felt. Also, she is very swell. So you should order some beautiful, comfortable yarn for yourself or the knitter in your life, confident in knowing that you support someone who rocks. :D

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