Thursday, April 29, 2010

Am I Unhip? Ultimate Litmus Test No. 1

So I checked the radio this morning to see what was on...and the only reason I kept listening was because I thought they were playing The New Radicals.

I'm secure with who I am. And when 90's rock becomes the Next Big Nostalgic Thing For Those Who Weren't Born In That Decade, the way the 80's have been for the past few years, I'll be both a visionary and a trendsetter.

(At this time, I will neither confirm or deny that roughly two minutes after the disappointing realization that the radio was not in fact playing The New Radicals, I became suspiciously excited by the words "new music from the Crash Test Dummies." Maybe I am a visionary after all.)

1 comment:

nspeacock said...

Who gets to determine who is 'hip' or not, anyway?

Is there a secret society for that kind of stuff? Or does the authority permanently rest with 'young people'?

A secret society of young people?

I have become convinced that we are largely powerless with respect to how hip we are or can become. Because time will take it away from us.

I still think you're visionary, though.