Thursday, September 10, 2009

How pleasantly embarrassing! A monster is born.

A couple months back, I was perusing's interesting Out of Ur blog, and was immediately transfixed by the words "free book." Send me a definition of "consumer Christianity", the man says, and if I dig it, I'll send you a free copy of my new book on the subject. So I ponder for a moment and shoot off an email to the address provided. Why pass up the possibility of a free book? And then I forget about it, because I barely remember what I did last week, let alone what I did last month.

Howdy-doody. Not only did I (presumably) score one of those free books, but the author thought my definition was quality enough to post on the Internet himself. That's right, someone other than myself thinks that I have something to say that's worth splashing across the World Wide Web - on a blog people actually read, to boot.

In light of recent events, I believe it is my solemn duty to henceforth become a completely insufferable, over-opinionated prat (as opposed to just a very insufferable, over-opinionated prat) as I continue to feel the burning urge to inflict those opinions on the entire world.



1 comment:

nspeacock said...

Feast well on the heady wine of merited reward! (I hope you enjoy the book, too).

I like your #4