Friday, August 8, 2008

The Littlest Arpad

I was going to write a short (ha!) treatise on my recent observation of the fact that a significant proportion of Batman villains are mentally ill, and how this seems to influence Batman's attitudes towards how he exacts justice, but I just had the very happy news that, in roughly 25 minutes, my good friend Arpad will be at our door. Arpad and I have been friends since senior high, and for the past three or four years he's adopted a pattern of spending an entire season tree planting and then using the proceeds to travel the country visiting friends, making new friends, and engaging in cultural and academic pursuits. He also does things like spontaneously help clean and repair our houses, do dishes, run errands, and all around helpful stuff. I've likened him on more than one occasion to that great Canadian hero, the Littlest Hobo, for that is truly the life he currently lives. So, in honour of Arpad and delight in his visit, I give you the theme song from The Littlest Hobo. Enjoy.

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