Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Honk if you Read This Blog

Does anyone actually read this stuff, or does my adoring public just not leave comments because I'm always right and there's nothing to debate? Seriously, though, I should like to know how many people actually visit the site, and if there's a point in keeping it going. It's fun for me, but I could just keep a plain old paper journal that doesn't take up bandwidth. Which is actually an issue, as the 'net is being severely taxed by VoIP services and could potentially give up the ghost in the next five years (I'm not trying to be alarmist, this is verifiable research), so we need to be conservative here!


Anonymous said...

I read it.


rachel said...

When I have time for any blog, including my own, I catch up on yours. (Nevin is no longer content to play on his own when I'm on the computer - there's just way too much interesting stuff, buttons, headphones, the mouse that he wants to play with too! So computer time is confined to naptime... and half the time I sleep too... and the other half bills need to be paid or one of my two all-consuming projects need to be worked on - you see where this is going)

Why don't I give you a shout out on my blog and see what happens? I think you're a great writer and I'd love to see your readership pick up. (You ever consider a career in journalism? Seriously, you should.)

Andre said...

Just found out about your blog from Rachel so from now on I'll be tuning in regularly.

I'm not much of a commenter though, especially when comments are unwarranted, as in the case where someone is always right and has said things just as they need to be said. I don't mind being superfluous, but only because I can conceal it most of the time.